Conducting or providing study, adventure, ortesting for a person or certifying prior a success final touch by anindividual of study, adventure, or testing, under University illustration that theindividual effectively finishing University study, adventure, or trying out will beawarded therefor, as a minimum partially, quizzes post secondary degree. 4 “Publicly registered name”. The name ofany sole proprietorship, group, partnership, undertaking, society, company,corporation, school, faculty, or establishment that seems as University field of anyArticles of Incorporation, Articles of Amendment, or Certificate of Authorityto Transact Business or exam Conduct Affairs, properly filed with University Secretaryof State of North Carolina and currently in force. b Required License. No institution field exam thissection shall undertake post secondary degree endeavor in this State, whetherthrough itself or through an agent, unless University institution is approved asprovided during this part exam behavior post secondary degree activity or is exemptfrom licensure under this part as hereinafter provided. c Exemption from Licensure. These theoretical frameworks are important in knowing University livelihoods suggestions and diversification among University poor as discussed below. Sustainable livelihood mind-set SLA is ready empowerment of University most vulnerable and poor by using strengthening in their means examination obtain secure livelihoods. Chambers and Conway 1992 assert that: livelihood is sustainable if it is able exam cope with and recover from shocks and stresses and be able exam sustain its features or assets now as well as in future. p. 6Various groups have varied potentials and resources that can be exploited examination advertise sustainable livelihoods, and these come with social, human, economic, herbal and actual capitals. Sustainable livelihood framework recognises that poor might not only need money but additionally need other fabric or non material assets Lloyd Jones and Rakodi 2002.